Nursery Admissions
Children are eligible to join our nursery the term after their third birthday. Nursery children start at the beginning of term in September, January or April. Applications for our nursery are made directly through the school and allocation of places are made strictly in accordance with the Oxfordshire County Council Admissions Policy.
If you wish to apply for a place, please complete an Application Form (which includes a copy of our admissions policy). This must be returned to the school office together with a copy of your child's birth certificate and proof of address.
Sessions Times: Universal 15-Hour Entitlement
All children are entitled to 15 hours of early education funding. We offer either five morning or five afternoon sessions as follows:
- Morning (8.35 a.m. to 11.35 a.m)
- Afternoon (12.15 p.m. to 3.15 p.m)
Extended 30 hour entitlement
We also offer a limited number of whole day places (9 am to 3 pm) for children who are entitled to 30 hours of funding. Please visit the Childcare Choices website at .where you can find more information and apply for an eleven digit code to confirm your eligibility. We must have a valid code before we can offer your child a 30 hour place. We only offer 30-hr places to children who will be moving up into Reception the following academic year.
Fee-Paid Sessions
We have introduced fee-paying places in our nursery which are currently charged at £20 per session. Fee-paid sessions do not count towards our Published Admission Number and offers of fee-paid places will only be made where there is spare capacity in the nursery, after all 3- and 4-year-olds have been offered their requested funded hours. Fee-paid 3hr sessions may be booked for a minimum of 5 days a week. We may consider offering these sessions on a 4/3 day per week basis, however this will be dependent on various factors and be at the discretion of the headteachers. For more information, please see our Nursery Charging Policy:Nursery Charging Policy.
An application form for fee-paid sesssions can be downloaded below:
Reception Admissions
Children are offered a full time place in our Reception class from September following their fourth birthday. We currently have 30 places for children in Reception each September with all applications handled by Oxfordshire County Council. To apply for a place at St. Francis CE Primary School you must submit an application via the county council website by mid-January in the year in which your child will be commencing school. The procedure for applications can be found online at:
If you are not offered a place and wish to make an appeal, the procedure for appeals can be found here:
Transfers and In-Year Admissions
We also welcome children joining any of our school classes (Reception to Year 6) during the school year following a move to Oxford or change of school. Full details of the procedures to follow and links to the application forms can be found on the Oxfordshire County Council website at:
For more detailed information about our school including our catchment area, admissions policy and place allocations please visit the link below: