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St Francis Church of England School

School Council

A warm welcome to St Francis C.E. Primary School Council. As a team we look forward

to helping to make the school a better place - School Council Chair 

Who’s in the School Council?


Aisha (Falcons Year 6)

Vice Chair

Isbah (Ravens Year 5)



Magpies Representative


Red Kites Representative


Puffins Representative


Kingfishers Representative


Ravens Representative


Falcons Representative


What is our school council for?

  • Representing pupils
  • Sharing what classes have said and putting ideas into action
  • Raising money for charity and playing a positive role in the community
  • Informing other pupils and getting them involved

How is our school council  chosen?

  • If people want to be considered for the council they need to say so first
  • We choose a representative from each class and two from each Year 5 and 6 group
  • The whole class votes secretly for their council members.

How does our school council work?

  • Our council has a meeting at least every two weeks.
  • The chair, vice-chair, secretary and treasurer of the school council are chosen from the year 6 school council members each year
  • The chair runs the meeting but if the chair is absent the vice-chair takes on those duties
  • The secretary takes notes of the meeting
  • The treasurer tells the council how much money they have to spend

Our Current Projects

  • Healthy schools initiative - school council have been surveying the children's thoughts on the school dinners and feeding back this information to Claire in the kitchen in order to effect positive changes in the menu. We are also surveying children across school to see how they travel to school each day, attempting to encourage healther choices by children opting to walk or ride their bikes in.