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St Francis Church of England School

Kingfishers Class

Mrs Roberts (Monday - Wednesday)

Mrs Gregory (Thursday - Friday)

On this page you will find useful information about what we are doing in Kingfishers this term.

Termly topic

Driver Subject: Science

Journey through space, the final frontier. Navigate beyond the Sun, the magnificent, blazing star at the centre of our Solar System. Investigate the eight planets. Take a look at the Moon, a celestial body that orbits Earth.



This term we will be focusing on:

  • Number: Multiplication and Division
  • Measurement: Perimeter, Area and Time

Children should be practising their times tables at home regularly and by the end of year 4 should be able to recall all of their times table facts up to and including the 12 times tables.



At St Francis we believe that reading is one of the most invaluable tools that you can give to your child in order to help them to learn. As a school we do expect that your child will read at home five times per week. Although this may seem very regular, we do not expect that your child completes a whole book in just one sitting. Your child should be aiming to read for 10-15 minutes per diary entry. Your child’s reading ability will determine how much of the book they read in that time.

Reading Records are checked every MONDAY


Termly Homework

Each short term, your child will receive a piece/s of home learning to complete based on their class topic. This piece of home learning is an opportunity for the children to spend some quality time sharing their ideas and learnt knowledge with you in order to consolidate their learning so far.


PE & school equipment

Your child will participate in PE every FRIDAY. We now expect that your children arrive at school dressed in their school PE kit on PE days. This consists of a red or white top, dark shorts or jogging bottoms and suitable footwear.

Outdoor Learning will be on Tuesday afternoon.


Important diary dates

Term 2

  • Parent’s evening will be held on Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd November. There will be a signup sheet outside of the classroom.
  • The children will be attending a cinema trip on Friday 18th November a letter will follow.
  • Oxford University Physics Department have also invited us to attend a ‘space’ day – date to be confirmed.