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St Francis Church of England School

Ducklings, Goldfinches & Robins

Term 1

Reception Project: Why do squirrels hide their nuts?

This term we will be investigating why squirrels hide their nuts! Why do hedgehogs hibernate? These are just some of the questions we will be exploring in our project about the seasonal changes in the natural world during autumn and winter. 

During our first week however, we have simply enjoyed welcoming the children into Reception and settling them in!

Nursery Project: All About Me!

We are helping children to learn through play and develop the positive mindset of "look what I can do".  We are celebrating and praising the children's achievements.   In a few weeks' time we will be talking about when we were babies and the children will explore how much they have grown and changed over the first 3 or 4 years of their lives.  We are looking forward to seeing lots of baby photos and welcoming real babies into nursery!


Term 5

Reception: Why do Ladybird have spots?

Driving Area: Understanding the World

Why do ladybirds have spots? Why do spiders spin webs? Explore these questions and more in this project about minibeasts and their habitats.

Nursery: Wild Animals and Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell

Term 4

Reception: Why do Zebras have stripes?

Driving Area: Understanding the World

Why do zebras have stripes? Where do lions live? Explore these questions and more in this project about Africa and the wild animals that live there.

Nursery: Occupations, Three Little Pigs, Easter and Farm Animals

Term 3

Reception Project

Driving Area: Understanding the World

Why are there stars in the sky at night? Does everyone go to bed at the same time as me? Explore these questions and more in this project about night time.

Nursery: Bears - Whatever next? Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?

Term 2

Reception Project: Will you read me a story?

Was the Big Bad Wolf really so bad? How many bowls of porridge did Goldilocks eat? Explore these questions and more in this magical project all about fairy tales, goodies and baddies!


Nursery Project: 'Festivals' and 'Dark and Light'

This term we will be learning about festivals and celebrations.  Using and developing our 5 senses to explore fireworks, finding out about Diwali by making diva lights and Rangoli patterns and of course learning about and experiencing Christmas celebrations.  We will also be thinking about Light and Dark and the changing seasons

We have also been having lots of fun with our mini Halloween topic and would like to share a couple of songs that we learned together.

Each child is holding a pretend spider whilst acting out and singing along to the rhyming song "there's a spider on the floor".  We are then using our spiders to help us to sing and act out the song "Incy Wincy spider", focusing on the movements "up" and "down".


Term 1

Reception Project:

This term we will be investigating why squirrels hide their nuts! Why do hedgehogs hibernate? These are just some of the questions we will be exploring in our project about the seasonal changes in the natural world during autumn and winter. 

During our first week however, we have simply enjoyed welcoming the children into Reception and settling them in!

Nursery Project: All About Me!

We are helping children to learn through play and develop the positive mindset of "look what I can do".  We are celebrating and praising the children's achievements.   In a few weeks' time we will be talking about when we were babies and the children will explore how much they have grown and changed over the first 3 or 4 years of their lives.  We are looking forward to seeing lots of baby photos and welcoming real babies into nursery!




Term 4

Nursery Project:  Different occupations

This term we are learning about different occupations and our nursery children are enjoying role-playing in the bakery and on the construction site!

Our focus story is the 3 Little Pigs.  We will be exploring materials looking at their properties and textures and using straws, sticks and bricks to paint with.

As Easter approaches we will be learning and practicing some Easter songs, looking at eggs and chicks, and making some tasty Easter treats.


Reception Project: What happens when I fall asleep?

Why are there stars in the sky at night? Does everyone go to bed at the same time as me? Explore these questions and more in this project about night time.

Possible lines of enquiry include:
• bedtime routines
• the Moon and stars
• nocturnal animals
• people who work at night
• the importance of sleep and rest

Nursery Project: 'Bears'

This term, our topic in nursery is all about bears. We have been focusing our work around a story called ‘Whatever Next!’ It is about a bear who wants to fly to the moon in a space rocket.

 The children are talking about the story ‘Whatever Next!’ They are using story props to help re-tell the story.


The children are using key story cards to help them to tell the story. The children are also learning how to read the text with friends.

The children are having fun moving their bears using positional language e.g. up, down, in, out, under, through etc.

 The children are enjoying making rockets using wooden bricks, wearing space helmets, whilst chanting 10, 9, 8 … blast off!

This display is based on the story ‘Whatever Next!’ The children printed stars using straws. They printed the rockets using squares and triangle shapes and collage materials.

Term 2

Reception Project: Will you read me a story?

Was the Big Bad Wolf really so bad? How many bowls of porridge did Goldilocks eat? Explore these questions and more in this magical project all about fairy tales, goodies and baddies!

Nursery Project: 'Festivals' and 'Dark and Light'

This term we will be learning about festivals and celebrations.  Using and developing our 5 senses to explore fireworks, finding out about Diwali by making diva lights and Rangoli patterns and of course learning about and experiencing Christmas celebrations.  We will also be thinking about Light and Dark and the changing seasons

Term 1

Reception Project: Why do squirrels hide their nuts?

This term we will be investigating why squirrels hide their nuts! Why do hedgehogs hibernate? These are just some of the questions we will be exploring in our project about the seasonal changes in the natural world during autumn and winter. 

During our first week however, we have simply enjoyed welcoming the children into Reception and settling them in!


Nursery Project: All About Me!

We are helping children to learn through play and develop the positive mindset of "look what I can do".  We are celebrating and praising the children's achievements.   In a few weeks' time we will be talking about when we were babies and the children will explore how much they have grown and changed over the first 3 or 4 years of their lives.  We are looking forward to seeing lots of baby photos and welcoming real babies into nursery!