Geoff Bayliss
Currently the Rector of Cowley Parish (St James and St Francis churches). Born in North London in 1960. Geoff Moved out of London having completed an Ecology Degree. He has worked in outdoor education (teaching and managing youth activity sites) then education (20 years as a science teacher and faculty manager in Norfolk and Essex schools). The last 5 of those years of was spent as both science teacher and Revd. “As a follower of Jesus I want people to find ‘life in all its fullness’. I believe our School has an important role to play in helping that happen. I am always happy to talk and chat to people about school or anything else.” Until Nov 2015 Geoff was serving communities in Essex.Peter McDonald
Peter is Director of Higher Education at Magdalen College School and has taught Latin and Greek there for 18 years. Originally from Manchester, Peter's connection to East Oxford goes back to his undergraduate years, during which he assisted with reading at East Oxford First School. Pupils from Magdalen College School support children at St. Francis with maths and reading on a weekly basis as part of a volunteering initiative through the school's Community Service Organisation. Peter recently joined our school's governing body so he too can contribute personally to improvements within our school community.
Anne Kenyon
Anne Kenyon is Teacher Training Tutor at Magdalen College School where she teaches Latin and Greek. She also coordinates MCS' Community Service Organisation and is delighted to be more closely involved with St Francis now as a governor. Born in Germany, Anne grew up in London with stints in schools in Germany and Spain. She has a particular interest in the professional development of teachers.