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St Francis Church of England School



Who we are

The governing body is made up of:-

Please see the table below for a list of our current governors and their attendance proportion relative to the meetings they are expected to attend.

Name Type Appointing Body Term of office starts Term of office ends Committee responsibilities Designated responsibilities
Jubeen Ashraf   Parent Election 07/04/2022  06/04/2026 Curriculum Complaints Panel
Revd Canon Dr Geoff Bayliss Co-opted Chair FGB Appoint 28/9/2020 27/9/2024 ResourcesChristian Distinctiveness


Health & Safety

Fleur Belcher  Ex Officio By virtue of position held (Co-Headteacher)     Resources
Simon Bushell Staff   01/09/2022 31/08/2026 Curriculum  
Anne Kenyon Co-opted FGB Appoint  1/2/2023  31/1/2027  Resources  SEND
Bev Martin Clerk          
Peter McDonald Co-opted FGB Appoint  1/2/2023  31/1/2027  Curriculum  Safeguarding
Rob McDougall Parent Parent Election 25/1/2021 24/1/2024  Curriculum Finance & Safeguarding
June Smith (Chair of resources) Foundation ODBE 19/2/2022 18/2/2026 ResourcesChristian Distinctiveness  
James Thorniley Vice Chair Parent Election 12/12/2022 11/12/2026  Resources  Health & Safety
Lesley Williams (Chair of Curriculum) Foundation ODBE 30/9/2023 29/9/2027 CurriculumChristian Distinctiveness

Pupil Premium & SEND

Lorraine Wood Ex Officio By virtue of position held (C0-Headteacher)     Resources

Governor Meeting Attedance Data 2022/2023 Governors who have stepped down in the last 12 months

Name Type  Appointing Body
Pat Kennedy LA LA Nominated

Register of Business Interests of the governors at St Francis C of E Primary School

Governor Relevant Business Interests to include· Name of organisation· Nature of business· Nature of interest Other educational establishments governed Relationships with this school’s staff to include·  spouses·  partners·  relatives Date declared
Jubeen Ashraf None declared  None declared  None declared 10/04/2022 
Rev'd Canon  Dr Geoff Bayliss None declared St Christopher's C of E Primary School None declared  06/03/23
Fleur Belcher None declared None declared None declared 20/09/23
Simon Bushell None declared None declared None declared 11/01/23
Pat Kennedy None declared None declared None declared 02/11/23
Anne Kenyon


(1705 Holdings)

None declared None declared  23/09/23
Bev Martin None declared None declared   None declared 26/09/23 
Peter McDonald None declared None declared None declared  23/09/23
Rob MacDougall None declared None declared None declared 11/11/23
Caroline Roberts None declared None declared None declared  02/11/23
June Smith None declared None declared None declared 06/11/23
James Thorniley None declared None declared None declared 02/11/23
Lesley Williams None declared None declared None declared 04/07/23
Lorraine Wood None declared None declared None declared  20/09/23