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St Francis Church of England School

Collective Worship at St Francis

At St Francis collective worship strengthens and supports the Christian ethos and identity of our school and reaffirms our vision and Christian values. Our worship reflects the variety of traditions found within the Church of England and follows the Christian liturgical year. The daily act of worship is at the heart of our school and is supported by all staff and LGB members. It makes an important contribution to the overall spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our school and celebrates the central role that each person has to play within our school community.


Our collective worship is planned:

  • to be inspiring, inclusive, invitational* and engaging, so that all participants are able to talk about the difference worship makes to their relationships and the life of the school
  • around Biblical texts and Christian teaching
  • to deepen understanding of our Christian values
  • with an understanding of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • to deepen our understanding of Anglican and other Christian traditions found in the UK and worldwide
  • to challenge everyone, regardless of background to understand and embark on their own spiritual journey
  • to develop an appreciation and understanding of the value of prayer, reflection and stillness
  • to develop a sense of the spiritual, creating opportunities to wonder and respond to something beyond the everyday
  • to praise, celebrate and give thanks
  • to acknowledge significant achievements and mark significant occasions within the school, local and international community

Collective worship is invitational and an experience that does not offend the integrity of the non-religious or those of different faiths. It does not pre-suppose shared beliefs.

 Our School Prayer