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St Francis Church of England School

Pupil achievement and attainment

Please see below for the percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard or above in the national tests for the academic year 2023-24 with the percentage of pupils making good or better progress.  

The percentage of children achieving a Good Level of Development at the end of reception:

2023 2024
50% 66%

The percentage of children meeting the required standard in the phonics screening test (2024):

Year 1

Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard or above at the end of KS1 (2024):





Expected Standard or above 63% 54% 54%
Percentage Working at Greater Depth  14% 3% 17%

Percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard or above at the end of KS2 (Teacher Assessment and Tests 2024):





Writing (TA) 


Expected Standard or Above (Tests)

77% 60% 65% 80% 60%

Percentage Working at Greater Depth

40% 10% 23% 7% 3%

National Progress Measures (Ks1-KS2)

  Reading Writing Maths
Progress Measure Score







For full details of our Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 results, please have a look at the Department of Education's (DfE) Performance Tables Web icon