Physical Education
and Sport
Leader: Mr Simon Bushell
St Francis CE Physical Education Policy
At St Francis Church of England Primary we believe that Physical Education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, plays a unique and vital contribution to a pupil’s physical development and well-being. Both the PE curriculum and extra-curricular sport and physical activities aim to improve the quality of life for all children, through providing opportunities to develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary for a healthy and active lifestyle.
Each year we participate in a range of sporting festivals and competitions with other Oxfordshire schools. These include a range of athletic, cricket, tag-rugby, football and gymnastic events for various age ranges.
Primary School PE and Sports grant
The government provides additional funding of £150 million per annum to improve provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. This funding- provided jointly by the Departments of Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport- is allocated to primary school head teachers. The funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools.
How much does the school receive and how do we spend it?
Last year (2018-19) we received £18,240. This year (2019-20) we received £18,199. Please click the link below to see how we have used this money to improve pupil outcomes.
2018-19 PE and Sport Premium Breakdown
2019-20 PE and Sport Premium Breakdown
2020-2021 PE and Sport Premium Breakdown
2021-2022 PE and Sport Premium Breakdown
2022-2023 PE and Sport Premium Breakdown
2023-2024 PE and Sport Premium Breakdown
At St Francis, we believe that swimming is a very important life skill and one of the most important reasons that pupils should learn to swim is for safety. It is also a great form of physical activity which involves the entire body, strengthening both heart and lungs. Swimming is a fantastic social activity that allows pupils to have fun and interact with their peers.
Pupils attend swimming lessons, weekly, at a local swimming pool when they are in year 4. We recognise and give certificates to pupils who have shown improvement in our weekly recognition assembly. Pupils are also invited to bring in certificates gained outside of school, to be celebrated in assembly. We also offer supplementary lessons to year 4 and year 6.
Swimming data of current year 6 pupils’ level of ability was collected through a combination of parent questionnaires, pupil surveys and assessment data from swimming teachers. In line with DFE requirements, please see the statutory data for year 6 swimming.
Statutory Swimming Date 2019/20