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St Francis Church of England School

Ravens & Falcons

Term 1

Cornerstones Project: Blood Heart

Driver Subject: Science

Crimson, scarlet, burgundy, cherry – blood flows through our bodies in all its vibrant shades of red. Let’s explore our circulation system! Now surgeons, don’t be squeamish as we dissect an animal heart and examine the veins, arteries and chambers up close. They all work hard to move blood around our bodies. William Harvey was fascinated with anatomy, and made groundbreaking discoveries about valves. I wonder what we might uncover? Why do people give blood? Find out how to keep your heart happy with cardiovascular exercise and healthy food. Kick-start a campaign to spread the word about the damage caused by smoking, to the lungs and heart. Hearts pound, flutter and maybe skip a beat. What makes your heart race? Is it a secret? Cross my heart, I won’t tell!

Ravens & Falcons classes had great fun dissecting lambs' hearts as part of this term's "blood heart" topic. 


Term 5

Project: Gallery Rebels

Driver Subject: Art

Colours collide, melting together on the canvas: an impression of light, a rage of red, a lobster perched on a telephone. Come and find out about the bizarre and eccentric minds of the gallery rebels. Art can be an act of rebellion. Can you change the world with a paintbrush, a thought, or an idea? Dream the dream, or show us your nightmares. What do you see? Watches melting? Wheels spinning? A shark in a box? Can you express yourself without words? Well, a picture paints a thousand of them. Try your hand at a Damien Hirst sculpture, exploring the weird and wonderful to create a curious treasure for the next generation. Take up your arms and fight for the cause. Paintbrushes and sketchbooks at the ready. Let’s make art.


Term 4

Project: Allotment

Driver Subject: Science

Let’s grow. A crispy carrot, a luscious lettuce or a tasty tomato. Dig deep and put your back into it, making your own tubs and planters and nurturing your greens. Harvest your crops and make soups and dishes of seasonal foods that taste delicious. Learn about farms and where food comes from, writing reports on worldwide produce. Discover which allotments are closest to your school, and open the door to the secret garden. Then establish a farmers’ market, harvesting your crops and selling local produce. Include garden crafts and work out your prices. Be sure to make a profit, not a loss. After all that hard work, have your fingers gone green?

Term 3

Project: Off With Her Head

Driver Subject: History

What sort of man would order the beheading of his wife? Was she really that bad? Travel back in time to the 1500s and meet the terrifying Tudors, a domineering dynasty that changed our history. Discover an opulent court where dancing and singing goes hand in hand with swift falls from favour, and even swifter falling of heads. Develop your painting skills in miniature, solve riddles and remember to protect your precious neck with a large white ruff, if you want to survive at Tudor court. Flex your detective muscles and become a criminal investigator. Will you find out the facts or will the evidence from the past bemuse you? How will you find the accused, innocent or guilty? It’s your turn to take part in one of the most famous trials that the world has ever known.


Term 2

 Project: A Child's War

Driver Subject: History

A siren sounds, a building crumbles, a Spitfire zooms overhead. Take cover. It’s 1939 and Britain is at war. Deep down in the Anderson shelter, learn why nations are fighting and why child evacuees must make the long journey from their homes and families into unknown territory. Read the diary of Anne Frank, written whilst hiding from the terrifying stormtroopers in a secret annexe, and try to empathise with her hopes and fears. Make do and mend. Cook up a family meal from meagre rations. Delve deep into a bygone era, when loose lips sunk ships. And, as peace is declared, let’s get ready to celebrate. Mr Churchill says ‘It’s an unconditional surrender.


Term 1

Project: ID

Driver Subject: Science

Who do you think you are? Are you an extrovert or an introvert, a singleton, a twin or even a triplet? Let’s discover what makes you you. From your fingerprints and footprints, to your genes and DNA, everything is unique to you. So why do you look like Mum or Dad, or even Auntie Rose? Explore the world of human identity and how our unique features can be used to tell us apart from others or help to solve a crime. Write reports, adverts and poems on the theme of identity and express your opinions, views and beliefs. Do you like the same things as others, or are your tastes uniquely yours? Then, it’s time for some detective work. In the case of the stolen handbag, use your knowledge and skills to solve the crime and identify the culprit. And remember to love being you. Why? Because there’s only one you. You’re one of a kind.



2019 - 2020


Cornerstones Project: Frozen Kingdom

Driver Subject: Geography

Welcome to the planet’s coldest lands. Vast wilds and hostile territories – incredibly beautiful, yet often deadly. Take shelter from the elements or fall prey to icy winds and the deepest chill. Trek bravely and valiantly across treacherous terrain to the ends of the Earth, treading deep in snow or be pulled by a team of mighty sled dogs. Be alert, for magnificent mammals roam these lands, sometimes hungry or fresh for a fight. Perhaps a hungry polar bear or an Arctic fox is hunting rodents, as swift as the wind! Research facts and figures of climate, temperature, habitats and ecosystems, and compose evocative poems about the Northern Lights. Become part of an Antarctic rescue team, braving the elements to rescue terrified passengers from a ship struck by a deadly berg that hides deep beneath the Southern Ocean. So wrap up well everyone and settle by the fire. I’m just going outside and may be some time.

Term 2

Cornerstones Project: Revolution

Driver Subject: History

 Are you listening, boy? What is 27 plus 45? Come on – faster now; we haven’t got all day! Find out about super-strict schools by travelling back in time to a Victorian classroom. Make sure you’re on your best behaviour though, as punishments are unquestionably terrible! Discover a time when great minds thought new thoughts and ingenious inventors created so many things we take for granted today: the electric light bulb, the telephone and even the first flushing loo! Let’s forge ahead to research a time when Victoria was Queen and Albert was Prince Consort, and when some people lived in slums while others prospered. Take on the role of an important reformer and present your good causes to the Queen. Can you gain the support of a wealthy sponsor? Full steam ahead to the Victorian age!

Term 1

Cornerstones Project: Blood Heart

Driver Subject: Science

Crimson, scarlet, burgundy, cherry – blood flows through our bodies in all its vibrant shades of red. Let’s explore our circulation system! Now surgeons, don’t be squeamish as we dissect an animal heart and examine the veins, arteries and chambers up close. They all work hard to move blood around our bodies. William Harvey was fascinated with anatomy, and made groundbreaking discoveries about valves. I wonder what we might uncover? Why do people give blood? Find out how to keep your heart happy with cardiovascular exercise and healthy food. Kick-start a campaign to spread the word about the damage caused by smoking, to the lungs and heart. Hearts pound, flutter and maybe skip a beat. What makes your heart race? Is it a secret? Cross my heart, I won’t tell!

Ravens & Falcons classes had great fun dissecting lambs' hearts as part of this term's "blood heart" topic. 

 Year 6 children visited the John Radcliffe Hospital recently to attend the Injury Minimization Programme for Schools (IMPs).  They learned about basic first aid (including CPR), how to avoid dangerous situations and knowing the correct response when dealing with accidents.